Happy Birthday Bhai Chamandeep Singh Ji!
(By my brother)
For Bhai Chamandeep Singh Ji (Barkingwale)
For Bhai Chamandeep Singh Ji (Barkingwale)
Today, the 7th of June 2006, is my little bruv 17th b day.
So I would just like dedicate todays post to wish him a very Happy Birthday and hope that Maharaj Ji blesses him with lots of Seva & Simran, and also a very happy and long life. Waheguru!
So now if you see him, you can give him the birthday bumps! hehe.
Its also the last day of his 1st year alevel exams!
hes gona be a great, smart doctor!
For those of you who don’t know him hes a mini sant, hes very smart, very funny, very bad at sports, one of the nicest brothers youre ever gona have, always brings a smile to your face, has lots of pyaar for everyone, he will definitely take the piss out of you! lol. He was blessed at the start of the year by Maharaj Ji, as he was blessed will Amrit.
p.s This guy is also a great kirtani with a great voice, if you see him tell him to sing some bani, amazing!
Below are some pictures of him.

Gurmukh with Chaman.
This is chaman being a naughty boy, pointing the finger at tanveer
Wonder who hes laughing at?
Me and Chaman smiling in front of the sikhkids.com truck.

Chaman doing kirtan at southall nagar kirtan 2005.
Me, cham and Jazz & Akhand Jaap 8.
Chaman & Gurchetan doin Naam Simran at Leicester's Akjand Jaap.
Chaman with Bhai Sahib Bhai Mohinder Singh Ji.
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