
Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Some Snow (& other) photos with Lil Imaan Singh & Co...

(By my Brother)

Unfortunately (depending on who you are) it has stopped snowing now in London, England. All the snow is now going, some is turning into ice. :( But we still got loads of photos for everyone to see. Below are some photos of what our nephew, Lil Imaan Singh got up to, including some of his holidays photos! :) Below those photos, are some more photos of the other snow Singhs we made! lol :) Also below is a lil birthday video we made for lil Imaan Singh, who just turned two a few days ago... :)

Lil Imaan Singhs in Dubai! :)

He loves cars! :)

Daddy Diwan Singh with lil Imaan Singh

wow, dont you just wish you where there aswel! lol :)

Back in England and playing in the snow...

Special effects...

Getting ready to play football...

i think he found it too hard to play in the snow! lol :)

This was Lil Imaan Singhs first snow man! it was over 7 feet tall! lol

It is so big! :) lol

Heres mine and jazz's other snow singhs...

Getting some shade for them...

Didnt want them to melt! lol :)

The snow singhs and my mum...

Telling them off! lol :)

My mum said this one remind her of binda! lol :)

So she had her photo taken with him! lol :)

Below is a lil birthday message for Lil Imaan Singh... (hopefully it wont scare him! lol)

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