
Monday, February 02, 2009

Snow in England...

(By my Brother)

Last night in London, England there was alot of snow! :) It hasnt snowed like this for many many years! So what did we do? Had a fun time in the snow, making a snow singh and of course a snow ball fight... lol :) More snow is predicted in London, England! Hooray! :) We feel for everyone in rush hour in the morning, im sure there will be alot of people having fun 2moro instead of going to work... :)

The snow fall begins, very early into the morning...

The pavement was covered in snow...

Even tho it was night time, it was quite bright...

The snow looked really good untouched...

The snow kept on falling...

Jazz's feet got very cold lol :)

All cars were completely covered with snow...

Still cold... :)

Jazz Virdee...

We wrote our names everywhere...

and we made a snow singh...

Jazz's car... lol :)

Our snow singh...

Sik mans...


Me and our snow singh...

The snow fight begins... lol

We throw the balls so hard, they leave marks! lol :) Our hands were so cold afterwards! lol

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