
Monday, October 02, 2006

Davinders and Raminders 1st Visit...

(By my Brother)

Well, Davinder and Raminder are married now! hooray! they been married for well over a month now, they recently came over to our house for the 1st time as a married couple. Below are the pics, of this blessed occasion! lol. :)

Above, we was being blessed by Davinder Singh Ji and Raminder Kaur Ji :)

Above Davinder shows how to keep a happy marriage, always agree with the wife! lol only joking! :)

Davinder Singh drinking Tea the way it should be done with the little pinki up! lol :)

With the formalities over, it was time for some fun and games, when they saw the trampoline, they couldnt wait to have a go, only one person is supposed to be on it at a time but they both went on it, which was very dangerous, just ask Nirvair! :)

Above, Davinder jumps the highest! :)

Time to do some Bhangra on the trampoline! :) lol

ohhhhhhhhh! above Davinder nearly jumps off the egde, you can see the look on his face! he scared! lol :)

Above while Dav and Ram are doing some more trampoline bhangra, my wonderful Masar Ji is reading the instrustions on the trampoline! lol :) He didnt wanna go on the trampoline! :(

After a while Ram got a bit tired and took a break, but Dav didnt need one! lol and kept on doing his wonderful poses! lol :)

Above, Dav got a bit tired, so me and Jazz, being the wonderful brothers we are, offered to assist dav on the trampoline! lol making him jump even higher, you can see the "look" on his face! lol :)

Dav can do the splits! lol :) he nearly kicked my face here! silly boy! lol :)

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