
Monday, October 09, 2006

Bhai Bahadur Singh Ji - Videos Part 2 of 2

(By my brother)

Here are the other Kirtan videos from Bhai Bahadur Singh Ji.

The video below is the shabad "Mai Thakee Tho Saranaae Jeeo" in Raag Soohee.

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The video below is the shabad "Mohi Na Bisaarahu Mai Jan Thaeraa" in Raag Gauree.

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The video below is the shabad "Jap Man Sath Naam Sadhaa Sath Naam" in Raag Dhanaasree.

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The videos links are below, If you can't view the videos properly.

Mai Thakee Tho Saranaae Jeeo

Mohi Na Bisaarahu Mai Jan Thaeraa

Jap Man Sath Naam Sadhaa Sath Naam

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