
Monday, April 15, 2013

Birth (Sikh View) - Part 1 of 2...

(Taken from Article)

ey srIrw myirAw hir qum mih joiq rKI qw qU jg mih AwieAw ]
eae sareeraa maeriaa har thum mehi joth rakhee thaa thoo jag mehi aaeiaa
O my body, the Lord infused His Light into you, and then you came into the world.
Page 921 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaaj, Sri Guru Amar Daas Ji Maharaaj

A 'faith practicing' married couple that spends time doing 'sewa' and 'simran' (selfless service and prayer) is well prepared for the conception of a child. Furthermore, during pregnancy the parents (especially the mother) should be reading or listening to Gurubani (Guru's word) and practicing purity of thought and deed. The spiritual state of the parents is an important influence on the child...

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