
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Anand Karaj (Sikh Wedding/Marriage) - The Union of two mortal Spirits is considered to be preordained - Part 1 of 2...

(Taken from Sikh Article)

eyk joiq duie mUrqI Dn ipru khIAY soie ]3]
eaek joth dhue moorathee dhhan pir keheeai soe 3
They alone are called husband and wife, who have one light in two bodies. 3
Ang 788 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaaj, Sri Guru Amar Daas Ji Maharaaj

Marriage is considered to be an occasion to invoke the Lord's blessings rather than mere pleasurable rejoining. The Sikh marriage is known as 'Anand Karaj' - Anand (Bliss) & Karaj (Action) - an act that results in bliss. The ceremony has been prevalent in the Sikh faith since the time of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji Maharaaj whose marriage ceremony involved the writing down of the Mool Mantar and performing Lavan, circumambulations. The ceremony was formalised during the time of the fouth Guru, Sri Guru Ram Dass Ji Maharaaj, who composed the verses that are recited during the Anand Karaj ceremony...

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