
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Controlling Manifestations of Maya - Greed - Part 4 of 5...

(Taken from Sikh Article)


slok shsik®qI mhlw 5
salok sehasakirathee mehalaa 5
Salok Sehskritee, Fifth Mehla:

hy loBw lµpt sMg isrmorh Aink lhrI klolqy ]
hae lobhaa la(n)patt sa(n)g siramoreh anik leharee kalolathae
O greed, you cling to even the great, assaulting them with countless waves.

DwvMq jIAw bhu pRkwrM Aink BWiq bhu folqy ]
dhhaava(n)th jeeaa bahu prakaara(n) anik bhaa(n)th bahu ddolathae
You cause them to run around wildly in all directions, wobbling and wavering unsteadily.

nc imqRM nc iestM nc bwDv nc mwq ipqw qv ljXw ]
nach mithra(n) nach eisatta(n) nach baadhhav nach maath pithaa thav lajayaa
You have no respect for friends, ideals, relations, mother or father.

AkrxM kroiq AKwid´ Kwd´M Aswj´M swij smjXw ]
akarana(n) karoth akhaadhiy khaadhya(n) asaajya(n) saaj samajayaa
You make them do what they should not do. You make them eat what they should not eat. You make them accomplish what they should not accomplish.

qRwih qRwih srix suAwmI ibg´wipœ nwnk hir nrhrh ]48]
thraahi thraahi saran suaamee bigyaapith naanak har narehareh 48
Save me, save me - I have come to Your Sanctuary, O my Lord and Master; Nanak prays to the Lord. 48

Ang 1358 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaaj, Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji Maharaaj

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