
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Controlling Manifestations of Maya - Attachment - Part 1 of 5...

(Taken from Sikh Article)


slok shsik®qI mhlw 5
salok sehasakirathee mehalaa 5
Salok Sehskritee, Fifth Mehla:

hy Aijq sUr sMgRwmM Aiq blnw bhu mrdnh ]
hae ajith soor sa(n)graama(n) ath balanaa bahu maradhaneh
O emotional attachment, you are the invincible warrior of the battlefield of life; you totally crush and destroy even the most powerful.

gx gMDrb dyv mwnuK´M psu pMKI ibmohnh ]
gan ga(n)dhharab dhaev maanukhya(n) pas pa(n)khee bimohaneh
You entice and fascinate even the heavenly heralds, celestial singers, gods, mortals, beasts and birds.

hir krxhwrM nmskwrM srix nwnk jgdIsÍrh ]45]
har karanehaara(n) namasakaara(n) saran naanak jagadheesvareh 45
Nanak bows in humble surrender to the Lord; he seeks the Sanctuary of the Lord of the Universe. 45

Ang 1358 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaaj, Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji Maharaaj

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