
Monday, March 29, 2010

Guidance And Advice For Spiritual Progress And Peace - Part 1 of 5...

(Taken from Sikhi Article)

Seek Truth and be Wise

scu qw pru jwxIAY jw irdY scw hoie ]
sach thaa par jaaneeai jaa ridhai sachaa hoe
One knows the Truth only when the Truth is in his heart.

kUV kI mlu auqrY qnu kry hCw Doie ]
koorr kee mal outharai than karae hashhaa dhhoe
The filth of falsehood departs, and the body is washed clean.

scu qw pru jwxIAY jw sic Dry ipAwru ]
sach thaa par jaaneeai jaa sach dhharae piaar
One knows the Truth only when he bears love to the True Lord.

nwau suix mnu rhsIAY qw pwey moK duAwru ]
naao sun man rehaseeai thaa paaeae mokh dhuaar
Hearing the Name, the mind is enraptured; then, he attains the gate of salvation.

Page 468 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaaj, by Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji Maharaaj

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