
Monday, August 24, 2009

Visit of Lil Imaan Singh 3 of 3...

(By my Brother)

Playing some football, hopefully he will be the first Sikh to play for Manchester United! :)

Looking at the cat...

Watering the trees...

Teaching Lil Imaan Singh...

Trying to wet us...

I had to have a board to keep me dry! :) lol

Still trying to wet me... :( lol

Heres Ambi reminding Lil Imaan Singh how to use the water hose...

Lil Imaan Singh tries to rememeber how to use it...

lol he remembers how to use it... very naughty grin! lol :)

Here he was trying to call me out, i wonder why? lol

He started using the hose...

Then he tried to get me! lol :)

After he got bored he tried to get Ambi! lol :)

Lil Imaan Singh loves the Ice cream lollies...

He can eat all of a giant twister! we love those ice creams! :)

He never shares it tho! lol :)

The short video above shows Lil Imaan Singh playing with the water hose and trying to get me! lol :)

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