
Thursday, November 06, 2008

Chessington Theme Park Photos 2008 Part 2 of 3...

(By My Brother)

Lil Amrit Singh came to Chessington aswel, but didnt like this ride! :)

He was ok though with his dad, Gurpreet Singh... :)

Chessington has more than rides, they have a mini zoo there aswel...

The first time we came to chessington was with a school trip, and this was the first place they took us! we was thinking this was the last place we wanted to be! lol We justed hoped the people talking would just hurry up and we could go on all the rides! lol :)

The Sea Life Centre...

This is a "Meerkat", he was just posing here while we took the photo of him. Reminds me of timon the meerkat from the Lion King... :)

The gorillas...

The Sea Lions...

Here they were being fed...

The king of the Jungle, the Lion...

If you look closely in this photo you can see the King Sea Lion here! :)

Some Otters just hanging out...

Sony and Gurpreet...

Heres Aman smiling, but trust me she not smiling inside! She was on the Dragon's Fury ride and she was well scared! :)

Bhups and me on the Dragon's Fury ride...

Needless to say, Kiran rajwant was also scared! :)

We all went on this rida a few times! me and Jivan this time...

Kiran and Bhups on the ride again...

Kiran and Bhups were getting scared here...

Jivan Singh trying to get the ball in the basket...

They all spent a lot of money here! :)

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