
Thursday, September 25, 2008

Lil Imaan Singh...

(By my Brother)
we recently spent some time with our lil nephew Lil Imaan Singh. Below are some photos and a short video...

This summer was quite hot at times in the UK, so Lil Imaan Singh had to have some sun tan lotion...

He thought that i should have some aswel! :) He a strong boy, he doesnt know his own strength!

He was checking if it was on ok... :)


Playing rugby in the garden...

Stealing Jazz car keys and taking out his car for a spin, but first he sets the radio...

Posing for a photo...

He was driving very carefully! lol :) as you can see above...

Changing the radio station...

He loves sitting the car and driving! lol :)

If you try and get him out of the car, he wont let go of the steering wheel... :)

how can you be mad at him for stealing the car keys? lol :)

Imaan Singh with Jazz Mamaji...

Being silly...

Playing on the swings with Gags ChachaJi

He loves the camera...

Always smiles...

He took this photo himself....

Playing the park...

Playing hide and seek...

Playing with Amrit Masar Ji...

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