
Friday, August 08, 2008

Richmond Park, London Jun 2008 Part 2 of 2

(By my Brother)

Below are some more photos of some of us guys at Richmond Park... Some of the photos were taken by ambi singh...

Jeevan Singh, Amar Singh & Lil Amrit Singh...

The gang... :)

Lil Amrit Singh Looking at the ducks...

Lil Amrit Singh wondering where his bread is...

...feeding the ducks...

...Still with the ducks... lol :)

Wondering in the park...

Running in the park...

My Masi Ji & Bhups

I was looking after both Lil Amrit Singh & Lil Imaan Singh and I had to hold them this way! :)

They tried to make a run for it! lol :)

We were looking at the swans...

We ran out of bread here...

So we just started throwing stones...

This was one of the dears in the park, they roam free so you can go up to them and touch them etc but I wouldnt if I were you! lol

Me and Amar Singh were just watching the dear eat...

A panoramic photo of 3 nicks...

A panoramic photo of 4 Amar Singhs and me...

A panoramic photo of 4 Sonys... lol :)

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