
Friday, July 25, 2008

Richmond Park, London Jun 2008 Part 1 of 2

(By my Brother)

Some of us went to Richmond Park (London) in June, the park is so big! we all couldnt believe how big it was! we only got to see a few areas of the park. At almost 1000 hectares (2500 acres), its the largest Royal Park in London and is home to around 650 free roaming deer! Below are some of our photos...

Above is a map of Richmond park...

Some of us guys chilling...

Gurpreet Singh with his kite...

Jeevan Singh watches the kite...

lol Unfortunelty Gurpreet Singh crashes his kite into the ground! lol

Lil Imaan Singh and Lil Amrit Singh throwing some bread into the lake to feed the swans...

A small family of swans...

Gurpreet Singh, Lil Amrit Singh and the swan...

A panoramic photo of 3 Lil Amrit Singhs... lol

A panoramic photo of 4 Sony Kaurs... lol

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