
Monday, March 24, 2008

Lil Amrit Singh & Lil Imaan Singh...

(By my Brother)

We have upload some short videos of our nephews, Lil Amrit Singh and Lil Imaan Singh.

Lil Imaan Singh has just started to walk & talk. He can say "ma" & "da" (mum & dad), hes learning a few more words. In the video below you can see him walking.

The video below is us just messing about with Lil Imaan Singh, he so funny, he will laugh at almost anything! lol :)

The video below is of Lil Amrit Singh walking and talking. He walks really well, and has started talking quite well. He says quite a lot of the video below, "open door", "river" etc. You can also see him make a brake for it and escape from the door! lol :)

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