
Thursday, February 07, 2008

Langar Pics @ UCL 5th Feb...

(By my Brother)

Me, Jatinder and Davinder went to the Langar (Blessed Veg Food) programme at University College London (UCL) on the 5th Feb. It was such a ChardiKalaa programme! This was the first type of Langar programme at a London Uni, and it couldnt have gone any better. A big well done to all sevadaars, especially the UCL Sikh Society. It was so well organised, we all cant wait for the next one! Langar is such a great gift from our Gurus, we Sikhs have been blessed so greatly by our Gurus. There were so many people who came, that the Langar ran out! :) But the Langar programme didnt stop, more ingredients were brought, and more Langar was made! :) It was estimated that they would serve between 1000 & 1500, they served an estimated 2500! :) Below are some of our pics. will be putting up their photos soon.

With Divine Blessings, the word of Guru Ka Langar at University College London has reached the birthplace of the founder of the Sikh faith Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji Maharaaj, in Sri Nankana Sahib, Pakistan. The sevadaars at Sri Nankana Sahib were elated to hear about this event and wrote a personal message to everyone involved which is shown above.

The poster.

The queue was so big, that it went outside the building a few times! :)

This was where the sangat took off their shoes.

When the Sangat partakes of Langar, their heads must be covered. Heres where they could get a Ramala to cover their heads.

There was also a small exhibition on Langar. The pic above tells the story of when Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji Maharaaj was young and his father gave him some money, and told him to earn a profit. Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji Maharaaj took the money and brought and served food for some holy men he had met, who hadnt eaten for days. Here Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji Maharaaj earned a "true profit".

Another Exhibition slide.

Where the Sevadaars were organising the Langar from.

Some of the Sangat.

Everyone whos able, eats Langar sitting down on the floor together. This promotes equality amongst mankind, as all (rich, poor, people of different religions etc) all sit and eat together. Langar manifests the principle that all are equal before God and equally entitled to the nourishment for body and soul.

It was gr8 to see that the Langar Hall was full the majority of the time! :)

Sangat enjoying the Langar.

Akaali Sukha Singh Ji blessed with Langar Seva.

Some more Sangat.

Some of the Sevadaars.

Some more Sangat.

Bhai Davinder Singh Ji & Bhai Turren Tarun Singh Ji

Some more Sangat.

Dr Sarbjit Singh Ji blessed with Langar Seva.

Some more Sangat.

All the Langar had finished!

The Sangat could leave messages of what they thought of the Langar programme.

At the back of the hall, there was a projector showing how Langar is made etc.

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