
Saturday, February 03, 2007

New Member of the Family...

(By my Brother)

With Guru Ji's Kirpaa, my wonderful sister, Bibi Harminder Kaur Ji (Nick), and her Husband, Bhai Diwan Singh Ji, had a beautiful baby boy. He was born on Friday Morning (02-Feb-2007) at Amrit Vela, and weighs around 5pounds. With the blessings of Waheguru Ji, the baby and nick are in gr8 health.

Me and the Baby! :) Hes only 13 hours young here! lol :) I only got to hold him for a sec though :( Bhupinder wouldn't let anyone else hold him! lol :) It was great holding him, he is so small and light. Its amazing to think that he was looking around for the very first time, :)

The video above shows the baby holding his daddies finger, its only a minute long. At the end of the video, you can see a very proud and happy new dad, Diwan Singh Ji :) We've added Simran to the video, by Nick and Diwan, from Akhand Jaap 8.

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