
Wednesday, February 07, 2007

lil Imaan Singh Ji...

(By my Brother)

We all just found out that Bibi Harminder Kaur Ji (Nick) and Bhai Diwan Singh Ji son's name is Imaan Singh Ji. Its a very unique name, im not really sure of the meaning so if anyone knows please let me know! lol :) below are some pics of us guys waiting at the hospital, the day Imaan Singh was born.

We are all looking to find the room, but Jazz just stares at the camera! :)

Big smile and pose for the camera Jazz! :)

Bhupinder with lil Amrit Singh, he was so excited about having a lil cousin bro to play with, he wanted to ring all his friends and tell them! lol :)

Mummy Sony with Amrit Singh, he exhaused himself out chattin to his friends :) hes taking a lil nap while he waiting to see his bro Imaan Singh.

Amrit was so much fun to play with while we was in the waiting room! :) naughty boy! :)

Heres lil Imaan singh, hes only a few hours young here.

Bhai Diwan Singh Ji with Imaan Singh.

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