
Monday, February 19, 2007

Hukumnama For Imaan Singh...

(By my Brother)

Here are some pics of Imaan Singh & co. There are some pics here of the day when they did a Hukumnama for Imaan Singh. They do this to find out what the first letter of the new baby name will be.

Lil Imaan Singh with his thumb in his mouth.

This pic was taken in Maharaaj Ji room at Diwans house.

Imaan Singh Grandfather, Bhai Saroop Singh Ji is reading the Hukumnama which will give the letter for his name.

The Hukumnama choosen is at the bottom of the page. The meaning you can find here.

All of us bros and sis, with our new nephew Imaan Singh.

My mamaji, Bhai Amerjit Singh Ji with Imaan Singh.

Lol a gr8 big smile from Imaan Singh, he just left a present in his nappy for his mum and dad! lol

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