
Wednesday, November 29, 2006

In memory of Ragi Avtar Singh Ji

(By my Brother)

Im sure most of you have heard the sad news that Ragi Avtar Singh Ji passed away a few days ago in India. I first met Ragi Ji at the Interfaith Smagam in Barcelona 2004 (pics shown), I had never heard of Ragi Ji before. When I sat in the darbar hall to hear them do kirtan for the first time, I was in amazment of them. I couldnt believe how great Ragi Ji & Jatha is. Afterwards I found out about their amazing history and life, I was in shock. Ragi Ji was so welcoming to talk too, always had a great smile on his face. May Waheguru bless him and his family.

(Above from left to right) Bhai Baldeep Singh Ji, Bhai Kultar Singh Ji, Ragi Avtar Singh Ji, Bhai Swarn Singh Ji.

Ragi Ji and Jatha blessed with kirtan seva with Panj Pyarae in Barcelona.

Below is a video of Ragi Avtar Singh Ji. The shabad is "miharavaan saahib miharavaan". The video is 34mins long.

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