
Monday, October 30, 2006

Some more Pics! :)

(By my Brother)

Heres some more pics, we went to my Masi Jis house in Hounslow for lunch. This is also the first visit of Davinder and Raminder! :)

In the pic above, my bro has learn many things from marriage, one of them is co-ordinated dressing! lol :) Davs looking very smart now adays! lol

Many people dont know this but davs knows how to play many instruments! But he only sounds good on a few! lol :)

My Bhabi Ji knows how to play many instruments aswel! and she great at them aswel! :) She carries that guitar with her, so you can just ask her to play it! lol :)

wow-wow-wee-zaaaaa! look at all that beautiful food! No wonder Davs has such a big smile! :) looks like hes training and looking after what he eats carefully for his marathons! The food was so tasty! We are so lucky that all my Masi Jis are great cooks! :)

This is how Davs is running the portugal marathon in March! West side! lol :)

Nice pic of the family! :)

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