
Monday, September 04, 2006

Davinders Mayia...

(By my brother)

Heres some pics from Davs Mayia. I felt so so so sorry for him! so many people did so some things to him! lol :)

lol check out how much stuff is on his forehead! lol :)

My wonderful Masi Ji proper cleaned him! lol :)

lol Dav was so dirty my mum nearly felt sick! lol :) only joking!

There always at least one crazy auntie at every wedding, and here she is! lol :) i felt so sorry for Davs when she had her turn! :)

She put a whole laddu in his mouth in one go! lol :)

Im holding Amrit, while Bhups is holding Simrit, he kept on pointing at Amrit and saying "babie, babie!" it was so funny! :)

Simrit pointing at Amrits nose! :)

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