
Monday, September 18, 2006

Bhai Bahadur Singh Ji - Videos Part 1 of 2

(By my brother)

I've uploaded some very rare and special videos of Bhai Bahadur Singh Ji (pictured above). He had a very special style of kirtan. These videos were from the 1980's.

The video below is the shabad "ham kookar thaerae dharabaar" in Raag Raamkalee.

Free video hosting, video codes at

The Video below is the shabad "thoo dhareeaao dhaanaa beenaa" in Siree Raag.

Free video hosting, video codes at

The video below is Chaupai Sahib.

free video hosting
Free Video Hosting

If you cant view the videos properly, below are the video links,

Ham Kookar Thaerae Dharabaar

Thoo Dhareeaao Dhaanaa Beenaa

Chaupai Sahib

For those of you who cant view the videos properly on your web browser, you have to download the lastest version of windows media player (WMP), which is free. You can download it on the website below. You can also download the lastest version in WMP itself, make sure in the tools -> options folder, you have selected the correct settings to allow media to be viewed from the internet.

Link to lastest version of Windows Media Player

If you still cant watch the videos you have to download the additional codecs, which are also free. You can download the codecs below. You have to download the codec which relates to your pc's operating system.

Link to free codecs

Heres some information on how to view videos if you're a firefox user. This link below is also a step by step guide on installing the Windows Media Player Plugin.

Windows Media Players and Firefox users

If it still doesnt work you might need to download the flash media player, which is also free.

Link to Flash Media player download

I use the website to upload my videos onto the internet. I found that this website is the simplest one to use and doesnt ever give me any problems uploading videos. For more information on how to view the videos correctly please see the website link below.

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