
Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Sant Baba Attar Singh Ji - Pt 1 of 2

(By my Brother)

After Maharaja Ranjit Singh Ji’s death, the British said that there were only 800,000 Sikhs left in India and at the rate they were cutting their hair there would be no Sikhs left by the year 1900. That’s when Sant Baba Attar Singh Ji started his missionary work to promote Amrit once again.

Sant Baba Attar Singh Ji earned his respect. He used to walk from Punjab down south to Maharaaj Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s final place at Hazoor Sahib continuously meditating on the verse from Jaap Sahib,

“Gobinde, Mukande, Udare, Apare” 94
“Haree-ang, Karee-ang, Nri-naamay, Akaamay” 95
God is the Protector of the World.
God is the Giver of Salvation.
God is the Liberator and Inestimable. 94.
God is the Killer of all. God is the Creator of all.
God has no name. God has no sensual desires. 95.

In Calcutta 19,500 people received Amrit when Sant Baba Attar Singh Ji went there. Place after place he arranged Amrit Sanchaars.
When he came to the world there were 800,000 Sikhs when he left there were over 4 million.
Sant Baba Attar Singh Ji had no loud speakers to speak to the huge crowds with. By Guru Ji’s kindness his voice carried over long distances. At one place his Kirtan, or singing of God’s praises, programme lasted for one month and on the last day he said,
“Guru Nanak Ji’s holy congregation, if you want to board the Guru’s ship then come here tomorrow to receive Amrit.” That’s all he said. The next day 50,000 people received Amrit.

One day Sant Baba Attar Singh Ji asked an old man to receive Amrit, he wouldn’t. Sant Ji left him and continued on with his pilgrimage to Hazoor Sahib. The day before he returned the old man died. Before he died he thought to himself, “Sant Ji asked me to receive Amrit, I should have drank it while I could.” When he died people prepared the cremation site and ignited the wood, but the flames wouldn’t go near his body.
Sant Baba Attar Singh Ji arrived at the scene and requested the Sikhs to remove the wood. Sant Ji explained that even if the flames did reach his body he still wouldn’t burn because his soul was stuck at the Dasam Duar - Tenth Gate, and is waiting for Amrit. Amrit was prepared and poured into his mouth.
He was told to say, “Waheguru Ji Kaa Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.” The dead man’s spirit spoke it! Amrit brings the dead to life - such is it’s power...

Extract taken from link below
Meaning of Life, by Baba Maan Singh Ji


  1. Anonymous3:47 pm

    Thank you for sharing this wonderful knowledge about Sant Baba Attar Singh Ji. I really enjoy visiting your blogs.

  2. Anonymous3:48 pm

    Thank you for sharing the Wonderful knowledge about Sant Baba Attar Singh Ji.

    I really enjoy visiting your Blogs.
