
Monday, June 05, 2006

Video Clips of Raag Kirtan

Heres some video raag kirtan clips that my brother uploaded, enjoy.
The Kirtani is Ustaad Harbans Singh Ji.

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This video is the shabad "dhaekh fool fool foolae".
The meaning of this shabad is shown in the link below on
Meaning of shabad "dhaekh fool fool foolae".
Its written by Sri Guru Arjan Devi Ji Maharaj, in Raag Basant.
Its in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj, ang 1185.
The video is Seven Minutes Long.

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This video is the shabad "gur jee kae dharasan ko bal jaao".
The meaning of this shabad is shown in the link below on
Meaning of shabad "gur jee kae dharasan ko bal jaao".
Its written by Sri Guru Arjan Devi Ji Maharaj, in Raag Gauree.
Its in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj, ang 193.
The video is Four Minutes Long.

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This video is the shabad "thum ho sabh raajan kae raajaa".
The meaning of this shabad is shown in the link below on
Meaning of shabad "thum ho sabh raajan kae raajaa".
Its written by Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj,
im not sure what Raag its written in.
Its in Amrit kirtan, ang 877.
The video is Eight Minutes Long.

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