
Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Junior the Dog!

(By my Brother)

A while ago we went round our friends, Ram and Sahib, house to visit their new pet dog, Junior.

When these pictures were taken he was around three weeks old and hes a rottweiler. These dogs grow up very quickly and are going to be huge. It was really hard to take pictures of him, as he never stays still and is always moving. When I put the camera near him, he kept trying to bite it! :).

Below are some pics of him.

Junior the Dog.

Junior pulling a mad face! :)

Junior biting Sahib's hand.

Junior playing with Sahib.

Junior being punished for biting Ram! Only Joking! :)

Tarndeep playing a game with Junior.

Bhupinder holding Junior.

Free video hosting, video codes at
The Video (no sound) above shows Junior having his dinner.
Heres the video link below if you cant view the video properly.

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